Thursday, June 9, 2016


Why is it that of late I haven't heard of anyone predicting the end of the world?Has the failure of the much publicized apocalypses to come to pass dulled the spirits of those apocalypse-mongers who tirelessly have made a 'kingdom' out of their fear inflicting schemes but which conversely,instead, have made  mortals realize mostly how precious life is when they still have it or have they suddenly become extinct?If they are dying out,then they are an endangered species and that calls for urgent  sanctioning of the UN to declare them so and consequently arm-twist nations and governments into putting measures in place for their protection and continued survival just like the elephants and rhinos of Africa.Due to this arrived situation I am a worried man-there is no a better a business than that which thrives on ignorance and fear.

If the human race was be to wiped out of existence,what would be your perfect means to effect this long-talked-about-long- awaited-and-long-overdue apocalypse?

I have one for you.Very simple:dissect the hearts of all humans and once laid bare,shut down that precious chamber that is the fountain of all desires and any form of human aspiration you can imagine of and you shut down the human race.Deny women and men the ability to dream and you have the perfect 'humo-robots' in your hands.To dream or to want or to desire something or a certain state is to be human.If you can exert this ability to render a soul desire-less,dreamless,then you can be the greatest genius in obliterating the human race than the Mayan prophets who invented the tale of the doom's day.
To write or want to write is a product of human desire and aspiration;a dream so important that once it springs into the human soul and finds water,sun and food it needs,it flourishes into unfathomably powerful force that can consume its possessor
To write or want to write is a product of human desire and aspiration;a dream so important that once it springs into the human soul and finds water,sun and food it needs,it flourishes into unfathomably powerful force that can consume its possessor.It becomes unstoppable.When what has to be said becomes so overbearing it cannot be withheld then you have to write.As long as the desire and willingness to labour is there,even the mundane things like lacking writing skills becomes a lesser issue.You find yourself to learn the skills of the trade because the wait of proclamation eddying in your mind and burning in your soul is one that gives you no peace till it is let out and laid to rest.

Once the dream begins to burn so bright, you can't miss its brilliance;a writer is born;the principle being :what is conceived must be delivered and let to bloom,so you pursue the path of silence and patience to one day be able to let the world peak into your heart and mind. You do what it takes and become what you must be-a writer-because it is a matter of passion and passion is no easy master to please or delude. It is the power to dream and Langston Hughes realized how vital it is so much such that he once asked: "What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it dry up/like a raisin in the sun?/Or fester like a sore—/And then run?/Does it stink like rotten meat?/Or crust and sugar over—/like a syrupy sweet?".He knew that the death of a dream or deferment of one robs a mortal of the essence of life and so the need to fight to realize or steadfastly protect one if you are lucky to have one-good news is: all humans have.

Do you have a dream?Do have a passion to stop the sun in the sky for?Do you have a vision to actualize?Then wait no more and dream no more for too much dreaming is meaningless-wisest king to ever live King Solomon,said.
This is what a dream does to a person.It gives you the power to live;the power to rise and create a chip of reality bigger and better than the present one.This is what waters life
Like Purple Bloom conceived of a desire to paint the world by the mark of the pen and fired by passion to see words come to life,whatever you want to be must be.Sam Sevlon in his novel,"A Brighter Sun" pens the verdict:'What must is must is'. This is what a dream does to a person.It gives you the power to live;the power to rise and create a chip of reality bigger and better than the present one.This is what waters life.This is what has made the world grow and bloom in the arts,music,literature,science and technology,education, religion etc.

We have pursued an understanding of God and a better relationship with Him because we desire to know him. This is the power of desire.The freedom to dream.Shut down the chambers of desire and the power to dream in a mortal and you kill a soul.This is what make great men and women distinct from those who dream to the setting of the sun in their lives.They are the ones that can conceive dreams,deliver dreams and nurture them to bloom into million wonders of the world.

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