Thursday, June 9, 2016

Emptiness of Actionless Rhetoric;be a doer

man thinking
If I was to live two lives,I would choose to be a doer than a spectator-critic or receiver who sits and talks and for whom things are done for and whose course of life and the worth of life is at the mercy of the actors who do things.

Spectator-critics know much and have the power to spotlight even the tiniest speck of fault  and they achieve great things in speech but when it comes to changing lives,they forget it is actions rather than rhetoric that do so.They forget there is nothing that can be achieved without mistakes being part of the process.To do is to accept that mistakes or imperfections will arise.To fear making mistakes is to be cowardly and to wait for others to do and err so that you get fodder for your talk so that you massage your own fears or inadequacies or lack of even paltry achievement attached to your belt is cowardice.

When I was a critic,I saw faults in what others did but I am glad I have chosen to be a doer.To be filled with the spirit of wanting to change things,create things and better things has made me humble and to shut up and work on something no matter how imperfect it is rather than sit back and talk about night and day what others have done.

I recently sat with a friend in a function who thinks she knows a lot of English and so when speakers stood to speak,she picked their slips and tossed them in the air and laughed spitefully at them.Lucky for her.Funnily I don't remember if people are aware of who she is apart from the obvious that they know.

I have never heard of people talk nostalgically of how she has touched them.With her English ,I have never heard her say anything of value that has changed people's perspective about anything in life.With her English,she has not done anything that marks her as a doer worth identifying with and worth being a mentor to those that desire growth-maybe she is and I am not aware but I stand to be corrected.

Most critics are failed minds or minds too inadequate or inferior to face life and act that they can never entertain the thoughts of engaging in anything meaningful and what they do is to wait for those who are willing to act to tear them into pieces and dismiss them.Their big day is when you fail or suffer a setback.

They see mistakes rather than potential and hope and opportunity and progress.Most critics are pessimists.
But when you are a doer,you value the power of the process of becoming-growth;that with commitment to the processes of tapping opportunities and recreating circumstances to give life to a vision;that with acceptance of false starts,failures,mistakes and imperfections with a firm belief in the beauty of success however simple or minimal it is,you make a huge difference.

Criticism is good for from it we get invaluable insights on how to better processes of realizing our goals and destinies-if only it is positive.
Criticise and labour to create alternatives.Combining the two makes you become a beacon of hope and greatness because you are able to,in your way, show others the way to greatness.When you are doer,you learn to criticize your actions and engagements in your quests and so you become knowledgeable and wise and so you criticize constructively to build others.

A doer is always on the move;always seeking solutions to his/her own and others' challenges.
Most that just talk may seem smart and oftenly thay are smart but given they fail to put words into actions,they often achieve nothing or little which makes me sad because,supposing all of us were busy  doing something or learning to do something,wouldn't our lives just be amazing and the world the best places to be?

I am happy my life is new and fresh and meaningful.I am  doer.

When you spend time to poke holes into what someone has done,woe unto you.What has been done is in the past.As you talk,the doer is opening new frontiers and scaling new heights in becoming better and doeing more.That is progress and progress is the heart of happiness,great confidence and quality life.

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