Monday, January 24, 2011


Water held up in a limited space and continues to flow in without ever flowing  out is  an angry and tormented mass that sweeps with rage all that it finds on its ways when it finally breaks loose.Similarly thoughts that brew like a storm without ever being said is catastrophic to the proud bearer of such thoughts and to those around.I am always thinking about something with some being trivial and other as weighty as the life which I worry about every day on how to better.This is my outlet-our outlet- a haven where you can listen to the silent whispers that ever echo in my budding mind that is yet to bloom.Your whispers that will be louder than mine will be the rain for the growth towards the sun.And in the presence of other right conditions,I envisage a time when my rose will bloom and I will compose a song to celebrate you stars who make the world a paradise without demanding to be rewarded not even with a warm hug.So welcome to my world!

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