Monday, January 24, 2011

A Leap Into the View Of The End

I travel places,embrace life,eat life,
Creating memories for those who care to hold,
Breathing fresh air and playing the bad guy,
Worrying,crying,laughing and kissing
When love still lasts ,walking in the light,
And missing the flight to paradise
When life resents my scent,
And years have I spent,
Feeling my head with junk,
Of silent whispers of the "wise men" long gone-
Voices buried in the volumes of rusty dusty books,
And then the bell rings,
Time is up,no more meddling,
The train is ready to take me "home",
And so at the fall of dusk,
All come to  a halt,
My exploits a mere child's first clumsy writing,
Marked on the sand for the rain's dinner,
Without a trace to be washed away,
My blessed and cursed existence and lousy trophies,
Only to dance falteringly without hatred,
In the minds of those who swear to hold forever,
Yet each dawn in bits it burns to ashes.


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