Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From Working Nation to Derailing Nation

So you thought that the February political standoff between the Kenya’s premier’s and the president’s brigades on the president’s appointments to key constitutional office was bizarre? Then you did not watch the news yesterday on Citizen TV.

Unbelievable! I have never come to imagine that in this world people can use polythene bags for packing sugar as a means of protection against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV virus and as a family planning method. Some even wash an already used condom to be used again.It beats logic. And the fact that they were saying it so confidently leaves a sour taste on my lips.

From what I know, even the condoms themselves are not secure.Researchers say that these precious "personal effects" have tiny holes which can let through the HIV virus thus making them not to be a 100% secure. That mean s even if you use a condom for once and dispose it off chances of getting infected by HIV virus are still high.So if one is going to use sugar bag which is very thin and less studded like the condoms are, I wonder who has misled the lot of men and women in Mashambani village in Isiolo county.

I would have wanted to dismiss these folks and their actions as bizarre but humility tell me to practice caution. A friend of mine reminds me that it is only when humans and other living organisms are confronted with challenges in their survival that they develop adaptive responses.This seems to their way of adapting. These people might be as innocent as  other Kenyans who have been neglected and forgotten by the minority political class who think of themselves as better Kenyans than anybody else. As they told their story to the scandalized nations it was obvious that they were informed about family planning concerns and the need to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS,but how to do that is the challenge.The problem is the economical disempowerment-having to feed the family and spare money every day for buying condoms and the lack of proper government mechanism to ensure that such services such as family planning is brought closer to the convenience of ordinary people.

Using a condom and washing it to use it again or using the polythene paper for making love? It is bizzare.No! It is so wild to be true. But I wouldn’t be surprised if in KU people come out to say that they have invented a better way of having “fun” while protecting themselves. After all, when is the last time the condom dispensers were “uploaded” with fresh supply. And given that sex is everyday thing around this place you wonder if the next generation of Kenyans here on campus are really safe because you can bet on it that students most of the time are as broke as the folks in Isiolo they cannot afford the condoms.
This Is gross negligence and it means that somebody is bagging the tax payers money for a job he/she is sleeping on.

Is it that Kenyans and especially the people concerned with making decisions on  behalf of Kenyans are politicking too much that we have reduced our nation from the working nation to a derailing nation. Perhaps you too should wash and reuse a condom then come and give me a proper response to my question.

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